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Quarantine at home - coping tips
在家隔离 - 应对技巧

Quarantine at home - coping tips
  • Your doctor can tell you exactly when your quarantine can safely end.
  • Quarantine helps to slow the spread of infection across a population.
  • Have a home quarantine plan in place.
  • Keep up a normal daily routine as much as possible and maintain a positive attitude.
  • Treat quarantine as an opportunity to do some of those things you never usually have time for.
Quarantining yourself at home means staying at home and avoiding contact with others if you have developed, or been exposed to, an infectious disease, until the infectious period of the illness is over, or until you know that you have not contracted an illness to which you have been exposed. Quarantine helps to slow the spread of infection across a population.

These coping tips are listed as a guide only. More disease-specific details will be provided by your doctor.

You may be asked to stay at home until at least seven days after the onset of symptoms or after you were first exposed to someone with the disease. Your doctor will tell you exactly when your quarantine can safely end.

Have a home quarantine plan in place

You will find it easier to cope with quarantine if you are prepared for its possibility. Practical suggestions for every Australian household include:
  • Anticipate at least seven to 10 days in isolation at home.
  • Try to have a two-week supply of non-perishable food items in the pantry. Stock long-life alternatives to perishable food items, such as powdered and UHT milk, tinned fruit and frozen vegetables.
  • Have a supply of disposable tissues, antibacterial wipes and latex gloves.
  • Check that your first aid kit includes a thermometer and paracetamol (to reduce fever).
  • Make sure you have enough of any prescription and non-prescription medication you need to last a couple of weeks.
  • Talk with friends and relatives who don’t live with you about supporting each other if one household has to be quarantined. For example, agree to drop groceries or other supplies at the front door.
Family quarantine at home
If a family member has an infection and everyone in the household is quarantined, suggestions include:
  • All family members should stay home.
  • Do not allow any visitors.
  • Only one adult should look after the sick person. It is best if the carer is not pregnant because a pregnant woman is at increased risk of complications from many infections.
  • Try to keep the sick person away from other members of the household. For example, they should stay in their bedroom with the door closed, and they should not share a bedroom. If the sick person needs to share a common area with other people, they should try to stay one metre or more from other people to reduce the spread of illness, and wear a facemask.
  • Arrange for the sick person to have exclusive use of one bathroom (if your house has more than one bathroom).
  • Keep the sick person’s items separate from everyone else’s. For example, don’t share towels or eating utensils, or store toothbrushes in the same holder.
  • Use disinfectant to clean items touched by the sick person, such as bedside tables and bathroom surfaces.
  • Keep an eye on the sick person for any signs that they are getting worse, for example, breathing problems, confusion or chest pain. In that case, seek medical attention. 
  • Use facemasks to reduce the risk of infection.
  • Make sure the sick person gets plenty of rest, drinks plenty of water and maintains a healthy diet.
Using facemasks in quarantine
Facemasks are available from pharmacies and hardware stores. Be guided by your doctor, but general tips for their use include:
  • Wear a P2 or N95 facemask when helping the sick person with a nebuliser or inhaler.
  • Check that the mask has been well fitted and a good seal has been achieved. The mask should be sealed over the bridge of the nose and mouth, and there should be no gaps between the mask and face.
  • Make sure the sick person wears a facemask when they are out of their bedroom.
  • Throw away disposable facemasks after one use. (Reusable facemasks can be washed in hot water and tumble-dried.)
  • Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water immediately after taking off a facemask and before touching anything else.
Keeping spirits up in quarantine at home
Being under quarantine can be frightening, particularly for young children. Suggestions include:
  • Find out everything you can about the infection from reliable sources.
  • Talk to the other members of the family about the infection. Understanding the illness will reduce anxiety.
  • Reassure young children using age-appropriate language.
  • Keep up a normal daily routine as much as possible.
  • Maintain a positive attitude.
  • Think about how you’ve coped with difficult situations in the past and reassure yourself that you will cope with this situation too. Remember that quarantine won’t last for long.
  • Keep in touch with family members and friends via telephone, email or social media.
  • Exercise regularly. Options could include exercise DVDs, dancing, floor exercises, yoga, walking around the backyard or using home exercise equipment, such as a stationary bicycle, if you have it. Exercise is a proven treatment for stress and depression.
Reducing boredom while in quarantine at home
Being confined to home for an extended period of time can cause boredom, stress and conflict. Suggestions include:
  • Arrange with your boss to work from home, if possible. 
  • Ask your child’s school to supply assignments, work sheets and homework by post or email.
  • Take everyone’s needs into account as much as possible when you plan activities. Remember, you don’t have to spend every moment of quarantine together. Make sure everyone gets the opportunity to spend some time alone.
  • Plan ‘time out’ from each other. You could split the family into teams that occupy different areas of the house – for example, Dad with one child in the garage and Mum with the other child in the lounge room – then swap the following day.
  • Don’t rely too heavily on the television and technology. Treat quarantine as an opportunity to do some of those things you never usually have time for, such as board games, craft, drawing and reading.
  • Accept that conflict and arguments may occur. Try to resolve issues quickly. Distraction may work with young children. 
Where to get help
  • Your doctor – it may be best to ring first during an outbreak of an infectious disease
  • NURSE-ON-CALL Tel. 1300 60 60 24 – for expert health information and advice (24 hours, 7 days)

Things to remember
  • Your doctor can tell you exactly when your quarantine can safely end.
  • Quarantine helps to slow the spread of infection across a population.
  • Have a home quarantine plan in place.
  • Keep up a normal daily routine as much as possible and maintain a positive attitude.
  • Treat quarantine as an opportunity to do some of those things you never usually have time for.
This page has been produced in consultation with and approved by: Department of Health and Human Services - RHP&R - Health Protection - Communicable Disease Prevention and Control Unit

在家隔离 - 应对技巧 总结 你的医生可以告诉你什么时候可以安全地结束你的检疫。 隔离有助于减缓感染在人群中的传播。 制定家庭检疫计划。 尽可能保持正常的日常工作,保持积极的态度。 将隔离视为执行某些您通常没有时间做的事情的机会。 在家中隔离意味着,如果您已经发展或接触过一种传染病,则意味着在疾病的传染期结束之前,或直到您知道自己没有染上疾病,就避免与他人接触。你被暴露了隔离有助于减缓感染在人群中的传播。 这些应对技巧仅作为指南列出。更多具体疾病的详细信息将由您的医生提供。 您可能会被要求待在家里,直到症状出现后至少七天或您首次接触患有该疾病的人之后。你的医生将告诉你什么时候可以安全地结束你的检疫。 制定家庭检疫计划 如果你为检疫的可能性做好准备,你会发现更容易应付检疫。给每个澳大利亚家庭的实际建议包括: 预计至少7至10天在家被隔离。 试着在储藏室里供应两周的不易腐烂的食品。储存易腐食品的长寿命替代品,如奶粉和超高温灭菌牛奶、罐装水果和冷冻蔬菜。 供应一次性纸巾、抗菌湿巾和乳胶手套。 检查您的急救包中包括温度计和对乙酰氨基酚(以降低发烧)。 确保您有足够的处方和非处方药,你需要持续几个星期。 与不和你住在一起的朋友和亲戚交谈,如果一个家庭必须被隔离,他们互相支持。例如,同意在前门放置杂货或其他用品。 家庭隔离在家 如果家庭成员感染了病毒,并且家中的每个人都被隔离,建议包括:
所有家庭成员都应呆在家里。 不允许任何访客。 只有一个成年人应该照顾病人。最好是照顾者没有怀孕,因为孕妇因许多感染而出现并发症的风险增加。 尽量让病人远离家里的其他成员。例如,他们应该呆在卧室里,门是关着的,他们不应该共用一间卧室。如果病人需要与其他人共用一个区域,他们应该尽量与其他人保持一米或以上,以减少疾病的传播,并戴上面罩。 安排病人专门使用一间浴室(如果您的房子有多个浴室)。 把病人的物品与其他人的物品分开。例如,不要共用毛巾或餐具,或将牙刷存放在同一个支架中。 使用消毒剂清洁患者接触的物品,如床头柜和浴室表面。 留意病人是否有恶化的迹象,例如呼吸问题、混乱或胸痛。在这种情况下,请就医。 使用面罩降低感染风险。 确保病人得到充足的休息,喝大量的水,并保持健康的饮食。 在隔离中使用面罩 面罩可从药店和五金店购买。由医生指导,但使用他们的一般提示包括: 使用雾化器或吸入器帮助患者时,请佩戴 P2 或 N95 面罩。 检查面罩安装良好,并达到良好的密封效果。口罩应密封在鼻和嘴的桥上,并且面罩和面部之间不应有间隙。 确保病人出门时戴口罩。 一次使用后扔掉一次性面罩。(可重复使用的面罩可以在热水中洗涤,并滚筒干燥。 摘下面罩后,在接触其他物品之前,立即用肥皂和水彻底洗手。 在家里隔离精神 被隔离可能很可怕,尤其是对幼儿而言。建议包括: 从可靠的来源找出关于感染的一切。 与家里的其他成员谈论感染。了解疾病将减少焦虑。 使用适合年龄的语言安抚幼儿。 尽可能保持正常的日常工作。 保持积极的态度。 想想你过去是如何应付困难情况的,并让自己确信自己也会应付这种情况。请记住,隔离不会持续很长时间。 通过电话、电子邮件或社交媒体与家人和朋友保持联系。 经常锻炼。选项可能包括锻炼DVD,跳舞,地板锻炼,瑜伽,在后院散步或使用家庭锻炼设备,如固定自行车,如果你有它。运动是治疗压力和抑郁的行之有效的治疗方法。 减少在家检疫时的无聊 长时间被关在家里会引起无聊、压力和冲突。建议包括:
如果可能的话,安排老板在家工作。 要求你的孩子的学校通过邮寄或电子邮件提供作业、工作表和家庭作业。 在计划活动时,尽可能考虑到每个人的需求。记住,你不必把隔离的每一刻都花在一起。确保每个人都有机会单独度过一段时间。 彼此计划"超时"。您可以将家庭分成占据房屋不同区域的团队,例如,爸爸在车库里带着一个孩子,妈妈和休息室里的另一个孩子,然后第二天交换。 不要过分依赖电视和技术。将隔离视为做一些你通常没有时间做的事情的机会,如棋盘游戏、手工艺、绘画和阅读。 接受冲突和参数可能发生。尝试快速解决问题。分心可能对年幼的孩子起作用。 从哪里获得帮助 您的医生 – 在传染病爆发期间,最好先打电话 NURSE-ON-CALL 电话 1300 60 60 24 – 获得专家健康信息和咨询(24 小时,7 天) 尝试在线寻求帮助!和资源。 要记住的事情 你的医生可以告诉你什么时候可以安全地结束你的检疫。 隔离有助于减缓感染在人群中的传播。 制定家庭检疫计划。 尽可能保持正常的日常工作,保持积极的态度。 将隔离视为执行某些您通常没有时间做的事情的机会。 本页经与卫生与公众服务部协商并获得批准:RHP+R - 健康保护 - 传染病预防和控制股

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